En ainna plass (another place)

These 18 year olds initiated a new offer in Trondheim, “En ainna plass”, after a previous project was finished. They missed a place to hang out for people who don’t do sports at Heimdal in Trondheim. An alternative to hanging out at Mcdonald’s. Now they are also working as peer supporters in the project founded…

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Children, young people and service user involvement – a feasibility study of professionals’ understandings

Project Manager: Bente Hasle Co-researchers: Betina Haug Olson, Juni Raak Høiseth, Aida Tesfai, Rigmor Dyrnes and Christina Kildal This is a research project in collaboration with Associate Professor of Social Sciences Bente Hasle of the Institute of Social Sciences at Høgskulen i Volda and Mental Helse Ungdom [A Mental Health Organization for young people]. We…

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