My Voice Matters – Evaluation of Children’s and Young People’s Psychiatric Out-Patient Clinic, St. Olav’s Hospital

In 2014, KBT initiated a project with the intention of strengthening user involvement for children and adolescents in services. We worked to develop a method for gathering their roles with the service. As a part of this, we conducted and evaluation of the polyclinical service at St. Olavs Hospital in Trondheim.

My Voice Matters was a collaborative pilot project between KBT, St. Olavs Hospital, Save the Children, and Mental Health Youth. The method development and the evaluation of BUP was part of the training of adolescents in User Interviews User (UIU).


Juni Raak Høiseth
Ingvild M. Kvisle
Christina Kildal
Dagfinn Bjørgen


Anne Ruth Benschop

Report in English:
My Voice Matters – Evaluation of Children’s and Young People’s Psychiatric Out-Patient Clinic, St. Olav’s Hospital (2015)


Report in Norwegian:

Min stemme teller – Evaluering av barne- og ungdomspsykiatrisk klinikk St. Olavs Hospital (2015)