En ainna plass (another place)

Mobilization against loneliness: new offer at Heimdal
"En ainna plass" (translated "Another place") are financed as a one year project through Helsedirektoratet and the grant system "mobilization against loneliness".
Responsible at KBT: Juni Raak Høiseth and Dagfinn Bjørgen
Opens in the autumn of 2022
En ainna plass should be an offer to young people who are struggling or in the risk group to
experience loneliness and social exclusion. The offer shall be a meeting place that offers various
types of activities, as well as offers of individual support interviews.
The offer is based on a high degree of user participation and will have an empowerment and recovery perspective. Young people with personal experience are involved in the development of the entire project.
Persons with both formal and experiential competence will be employed. A project manager, a peer support worker and a cultural and environmental worker will be employed. In addition, four boys who used a similar offer were previously employed.