How KBT work with user involvement for adults
KBT is working to systematize service user knowledge through evaluation og research in support of service users, professionals and decision makers. Gaining service user experience in a systematic way gives greater weight in service development. We convey the knowledge through lectures, courses and seminars. KBT also strengthens individual service users through courses and meetings- especially with focus on mastering and on raising your own voice.
We do this in the following areas
- Documentation and visualization of service user experience and competance
- UIU-evaluations
- Courses
- Lectures and webinars
- Co-research
- Follow-up of policy guidelines
- Peer Support Specialists
- Innovation and service development
St.prp. No. 1 (2008-2009) p. 168 states:
“It is important to increase service users’ knowledge so that they can make demands on the services and be a driving force in service development. At the same time, service user knowledge must be validated and communicated to contribute to real involvement. Mental Helse [“Mental Health” (user organization)] and the regional user-driven centers, together with service user organizations, will be key players in this work. “