Interreg – Tidlig innsats (Early intervention)
(This post is uncomplete for now)
Project Leader: Rolf Mollan
Project Team Member: Karl Johan Johansen
KBT and Braive have received grants from Interreg Sweden-Norway for the project “Tidlig innsats” [Early Intervention]. Braive offers a web based mental health service, where people can learn tools and coping strategies to overcome mental health challenges. The project is owned by Henrik H. Jahren of Braive, representing Sweden, and KBT by Karl Johan Johansen, representing Norway.
Unfortunately the public health services don’t have sufficient resources to help everyone that struggles. In other cases young people have to travel far to get help. Another aspect is that it is also important to help people mobilize their own resources. Therefore Braive will be tested as a self help resource for young people in Norway and Sweden.
The project will be documented by the Nord University and the Mid Sweden University.