Norwegian association for outdoor therapy

The last 2 years, KBT have been involved in different projects regarding outdoor therapy. We have, among other things, been participating on two courses for services in Trøndelag. Here our representant have visited different services in the Trøndelag area, like “Tyrili Frankmotunet”, who offers round-the-clock treatment for people with serious substance abuse problems.
Enthusiastic employees gives new services
In the past 2 years, we have discovered a lot of enthusiasm for outdoor therapy. Not just here in Trøndelag, but all over the country – and even around the globe. It’s this passion that have led to new offers in the mental health and the drug abuse field. We have cooperated with Sigrid Rohde, who got the “this year's wilderness” reward in 2022. She has a strong belief that you can help more people if you take them outdoors.
She agrees it’s not for everyone, but what is?
The campfire
Many of the people we meet regarding mental health work in the outdoors, talks passionately about the campfire. It seems like something special happens when we sit down around the fire. Almost like magic. Maybe it speaks to something deep inside of us, the primordial man? Or maybe it just that we have something else to focus on together, outside our own mind.
What’s kind of interesting, is that both people working with public health and more treatment-oriented measures talks about the campfire. It doesn’t matter if it is a school class or a group of patients – from what we hear most people gets a positive experience from sitting around a campfire together. Your heart rate drops, and the conversation often goes more smoothly.
In Norway we have a group called “Medvandrerne”, the fellow hikers. They have developed their own ceremony around the campfire. This organization was started of people who have lived a long life as drug addicts, and wanted to make themselves another life. They have a recovery-oriented philosophy, and have helped people getting back on their feet.
Norwegian association for outdoor therapy
This winter we got invited to a meeting, initiated of a woman named Carine Fernee. She wanted to discuss the possibility of making a Norwegian association for outdoor therapy. As said, as done. Some weeks ago, the association was a fact.
“The Power farm”
Trondheim is a city surrounded of forest. In Bymarka, more precisely Tømmerdalen, there lies some old buildings. A former farm. On this farm, groups from different services comes as a part of the treatment. KBT is involved on this farm, the “Power farm”, in a resource group. This winter we participated on a professional day, about how the farm can be developed. We discovered that it’s actually a lot of possibilities on such a place, and are curious on what the place can be in the future.