Outdoor therapy | Cooperation about course and network

"Nature is my medicine" - Sara Moss
Since 2020, KBT have in colloboration with KORUS, NAPHA and Medvandrerne organized a course in outdoor therapy, in Trøndelag. Now nearly 150 participants have finished this course, after four years with one coursegroup a year.
The course aims to increase awareness about outdoor therephy as a good method for treatment and coping within the mental health and substance abuse field.
About the course
During the fall, there are 3 sessions that span over 2 days each. The first session is in September, the second in October, and the last one in December. The courses are held at Skallstuggu outside of the city Levanger. The participants find themselves at an idyllic location at the foot of a mountain, Hårskallen.
You don't need any prior knowledge about outdoor therapy to joint the course. But, to receive a "certificate", you must attende at least 5 out of 6 days. Additionally, you must be planning to eatablish an outdoor therapy service in your workplace or organization.
Sharing experiences in a network
Each year previous course participants can come to two networking sessions. One in sping and one in fall. The network meetings are hosted by former attendants of the outdoor therapy course. In these sessions, the aim is to develope colloboration, share experiences and strenghten the use of outdoor therapy in treatment and prevention within the fields of mental health and substance abuse.
Both the course and the network meetings contains both theory and practice, discussions and time spent oudoors.
Video from the course
Under you can watch a short video from a course in outdoor therapy. Video creator: David Kro Barlaup.