Room for user involvement

Project leader in KBT: Juni Raak Høiseth

This is a project with focus on user involvement for kids and youth that uses mental health care services.

About Room for user involvement

From several patient and user surveys, we know that youth that uses mental health services often don't experience a real possibility for user involvement. They often do not feel heard. There has been reports on lack of communication when they meet health personnel, and that they to a small extent experience the opportunity to make choices related to their own treatment.

Meanwhile professionals experience difficulties when it comes to achieving real user involvement for youth, within the structural frames they have to deal with.

Project goal

This project aims to develop a resource booklet. It will be based on both professionals and youths experiences and thoughts about what good user involvement is, and what the challenges are. The booklet will also have concrete suggestions on how to maintain user involvement within the framework.


In the project, we will have workshops with professionals and youth with user experience. In these workshops they will  elaborate recommandations, advices and concrete suggestions of feasible measures that can ensure real user involvement for this group.

By obtaining both perspectives and jointly preparing advice, recommendations and proposals for measures, the needs of both young people and professionals will be taken care of. As the professional perspective also emerges, it is ensured that the recommendations and proposals for measures will be possible to realize.

Project partners and foundation

This project is founded by Stiftelsen Dam.  KBT will execute this project in close comanionship with the University of Stavanger and  Rådet for psykisk helse (Council for Mental Health) .