User Interviews User Evaluation – Heimdal, Sommerstua and Veiskillet treffsted, Trondheim municipality

As a part of the demand of user influence in Opptrappingsplanen for psykisk helse [Escalation Plan for Mental Health Services in Norway], Trondheim’s local authorities wished to utilize User Interviews User for the meeting places Heimdal Treffsted, Sommerstua Treffsted and Veiskillet Treffsted.

Some felt the services were developed after the model of Dagsverket, where users may come daily and earn a certain salary. There was also pointed out that the places are intended to be temporary services, and that they should be used as a form of rehabilitation. There was suggested they they might benefit from establishing a collaboration with Dagsverket, as well as other services in the city.


Heidi Westerlund
Dagfinn Bjørgen

Report in Norwegian:
Bruker Spør Bruker-evaluering – Treffstedene Sommerstua, Heimdal og Veiskillet, Trondheim kommune (2008)