Dialogue meetings in municipalities
KBT is concerned with the municipalities – in particular, we focus on the municipalities in central Norway. We want to be a resource and a source of knowledge through experience. Therefore, we have offered dialogue meetings for the municipalities for several years. This means we travel and visit municipalities throughout central Norway. We want to create a arena for dialogue to talk about topics such as recovery, user involvement and user participation, or other topics that the municipalities consider relevant and important.
At the meetings, both the management in the municipality, people working in the field of health and social services, employees in NAV, people with user experience / users of the municipality’s services, interest / user organizations and user representatives participate. We find that bringing people together and give them an opportunity to talk together can be a step in the right direction for better cooperation.
We have experienced that the fact that we come from “outside” can be a positive force and push to talk about things that are important, as well as a new way to realize user involvement in the municipalities. In addition, it is very useful for us in KBT to discover good examples of how things can be solved. In one of the municipalities there were many good examples of cooperation between the organizational community and the municipality, and the dialogue meeting gave a new opportunity to establish a user council. In another municipality we discovered that the municipality conducted individual conversations with absolutely all students at the secondary school, and again with the same students in upper secondary school. They believed that this contributed to less absence and drop outs among the pupils. This gives us good examples to pass on as ideas and solutions.
KBT adresses municipalities to offer this arrangement. It can be adapted to the individual wishes and issues of the municipality.
Municipalities are also welcome to contact us directly to arrange a dialogue meeting.