Measures that breach service users rights

Through a 2 year period KBT and NAPHA have collaborated on mapping the use of right breaching measures in municipal houses. The background for this project is the strategy «Bedre kvalitet – økt frivillighet. Nasjonal strategi for økt frivillighet i psykiske helsetjenester (2012-2015)» [Better quality – more volunteers. National strategy for increased volunteerism in mental health services (2012-2015)] from Ministry of Health and Care Services in 2012. In this strategy, 14 measures aiming to reduce the use of coercion in mental health services are described, where one of +them is to conduct a mapping like this the municipalities. The mapping sought to identify how professionals and residents describe breaching of service user rights, how the measures are justified, how they affect the resident`s life and how the practice for handling dilemmas regarding volunteerism, coercion and professional accountability are described.

The mapping was carried out as a case study in different kinds of housing. Focus group interviews and individual interviews were conducted with residents and staff. The data was then analyzed and summarized in a report with further recommendations, published in June 2017. The findings address following subjects: visits and accommodations, control and regulation of measures for residents, medicines, order, dilemmas and gray areas, smoking, drugs, hygiene and dressing, food and drinks, financial management, control of and storage of objects, housing measures and intervention in social life.


From KBT: Heidi Westerlund and Dagfinn Bjørgen

From NAPHA: Møyfrid Kjølsdal, Gretha Helen Evensen, Turid Møller Olsø and Trond Hatling


Rettighetsinngripende tiltak i kommunale botilbud – en nasjonal kartlegging 2017