User empowerment and competence development in Melhus Municipality

Project Manager: Heidi Westerlund Project Team Members: Anne Benschop, Ingvild M. Kvisle and Dagfinn Bjørgen Together with Malvik municipality, Melhus municipality is a part of ”good patient pathways for users with mental health problems and/or substance abise problems”. The municipality and KBT sent a application for funding a user survey and development o fuser involvement…

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User-driven innovation process in Melhus municipality

Project Manager: Karl-Johan Johansen and Anne R. Bencshop Peer panel: Sissel Smistad, Michelle Bradley Eilertsen, Nils Magne Røstum, May-Helen Erdal , Jeanette Myren and Lorentz B. Westrum As a part of the partnership with Melhus municipality KBT is running a project called user-driven innovation process for the municipality in 2015, 2016, 2017, and a continuation…

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Interreg: ReSeNS

Project Team Members: Dagfinn Bjørgen and Ingvild M. Kvisle KBT participates as a partner in the Interreg project “ReSeNS”, where Nord University and Mid Sweden University have the leading responsibility. The collaborative project started in early 2015. KBT”s role in the project is particularly related to Oppdal and Rennebu. KBT will contribute to the practical…

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Interreg: “Service Innovation”

Project Manager: Karl Johan Johansen Project Team Members: Ingvild M. Kvisle Since the summer of 2016 KBT has contributed to an Interreg collaboration about service innovation. The project enables collaboration and experience exhanges between Norwegian and Swedish municipalities, and “Erfarenhetsforum”, a social entrepreneurship similar to KBT.  This project is especially useful and educational for KBT…

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Measures that breach service users rights

Through a 2 year period KBT and NAPHA have collaborated on mapping the use of right breaching measures in municipal houses. The background for this project is the strategy «Bedre kvalitet – økt frivillighet. Nasjonal strategi for økt frivillighet i psykiske helsetjenester (2012-2015)» [Better quality – more volunteers. National strategy for increased volunteerism in mental…

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My Voice Matters – Evaluation of Children’s and Young People’s Psychiatric Out-Patient Clinic, Levanger Hospital

In 2017, KBT recieved funding from Extrastiftelsen through Rådet for psykisk helseto continue the project My voice matters as a three-year development project, where we are going to customize the User Interviews User (UIU)method for children and youth and their health services. In 2017, we evaluated the out-patient offer for service users between the ages of 12…

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