THE RECOVERY CHANNEL – Movie screening April 16th

Welcome to a unique movie experience! THE RECOVERY CHANNEL is shown at Nova Cinema in
Trondheim with a visit from director Ellen Ugelstad and a panel discussion after the film. Competence scenter for lived experience and service development are collaborating around the panel discussion.
The screening is on Thuesday April 16th at 17:30 | Tickets
Panel attendees
Ellen Ugelstad – filmmaker
Marit Hem – head of research at Samfunnsforskning AS and former psychiatric nurse and
ST.Gile's Foundation in Wales
Trondheim Politician – TBA
The conversation is moderated by KBT Vocational College principal, Karl Johan Johansen. The panel will discuss the future of psychiatry and the alternatives to coercion in psychiatry.
Hope to see you there for an exciting movie experience!
About the film
Randi Isaksen, news-anchor at Recovery Channel, is confronted with the daunting realities of flawed mental health systems as she tries to navigate on behalf of her sister. In THE RECOVERY CHANNEL, filmmaker Ellen Ugelstad blends documentary and narrative storytelling to expose an oppressive system designed to control, not heal, the human condition. Informed by her own family experiences, Ugelstad breaks free from traditional documentary structure; explores the injustices faced by those with mental health challenges, and exposes the use of coercion in contemporary therapy. Through a humanistic lens, she explores the negative impact of an oppressive system, while advocating for the recognition of mental health as a human right rather than an illness.
About the director - Ellen Ugelstad
Ellen Ugelstad is an award-winning director who received a BFA of Film from San Francisco,
California. Ugelstad's films range from documentary to fiction and explore themes such as normality and madness, power and powerlessness, sick and healthy. Indian Summer, about her younger brother who lives with a schizophrenia diagnosis, was nominated for the International Young Talent Award at DOK Leipzig, and the Nordic Dox Award at CPH:DOX and nominated for the Gullruten forbest direction and documentary. Her short film The Meeting Room won best screenplay at the Norwegian Short Film Festival in 2017. In the hybrid film Making Sense Together (2018), which was recently shown at the National Museum, the relationship between power and powerlessness in psychiatry is examined.
Visit from St. Giles Trust
Earlier this year, we were contacted by an UK Trust, St. Giles. They had read about KBT, and wanted to come to us on a study visit. They found that we share some important values, and wanted to learn more. About the same time, we were contacted by a person connected to the film THE RECOVERY CHANNEL. They wanted to collaborate around a movie screening and a panel discussuin. A nice coincidence, that was easy to combine.
We are looking foreward to both the study visit and the screening!