User Interviews User evaluation – Familieambulatoriet Nord-Trøndelag Health Trust – Patients’ and collaborators’ experiences

Familieambulatoriet (FA) is a service offered to parents suffering psychological and/or substance abuse problems – and their children.

KBT has per an agreement with Central Norway Regional Health Authority conducted a UIU-survey of Familieambulatoriet in Nord Trøndelag. The evaluation is developed in conjunction with the service’s project management.

FA has high levels of service user involvement, which has helped the users generate trust in regards to the concept. The users report exclusively good experiences with FA’s role in regard to Child Protective Services. They feel it is very helpful to have a conversation partner that takes their reality seriously.
It’s also helpful for single moms to receive practical assistance in visiting public offices. This may include going through what has been said in a meeting after the fact, or sitting the child so the parent can leave the home. FA helps the users to utilize the services in their area.

There is also being revealed certain areas of improvement. The communicative procedure when reports to Child Protective Services could be more transparent. FA should develop a closer relation to the municipalities about what can be offered to the individual service user. The municipalities wish for generally more sharing of information.

User Interview User evaluation of “Familieambulatoriet” is used as a documentation in Report to the Storting (white paper) Stortingsmelding 30 (2011 – 2012) Se Meg! – En helhetlig rusmiddelpolitikk.


Dagfinn Bjørgen
Heidi Westerlund


Report in Norwegian:

Bruker Spør Bruker-evaluering – Familieambulatoriet Helse Nord-Trøndelag – Brukerne og samarbeidspartnernes erfaringer (2012)