User Interviews User evaluation of the District Medicinal Center in the Region of Værnes – Users’ experiences with inpatient stays

KBT was in 2009 given the opportunity to try the User Intervies User-method in a three year research and development agreement with the Central Norway Regional Health Authority. During this three year period KBT conducted three evaluations; of St. Olavs Hospital, the Hospital in Levanger and Namsos and the District Medicinal Center in the Region of Værnes (DMS).

These projects have been succesful thanks to a good collaboration with the Central Norway Regional Health Authority. Data collected in this evaluation will be used in further research at NTNU.

When asking patients what they find most important during an inpatient stay, many talk about getting information and positive reviews of the DMS from family and friends in advance of their stay. This makes the transition from the Hospitals to the DMS easier. Many of the interviewees had had their very first stay at the DMS, and talked about the importance of being close to home. A large group of the respondents were from Stjørdal municipality.

It can be a long drive to the DMS from Levanger or Trondheim when needing treatment. A closeness to home and familiar surroundings seems detrimental to thriving, but there is also a practical aspect to this in regard to patients life situations.

The DMS being close to the town center of Stjørdal makes stores and other services easily accessible to patients with disabilities, and this contributes further to thriving and exercise for patients. In addition, it is equally important to be met by qualified personel that are able to assist with patients needs.


Heidi Westerlund
Dagfinn Bjørgen


Report in Norwegian:
Bruker Spør Bruker-evaluering av Værnesregionen distriktsmedisinske senter – Brukeres erfaringer med opphold ved Distriktsmedisinsk senter (2013)