User Interviews User Evaluation: KIM-senteret

A User Interviews User Evaluation of KIM-senteret [the KIM centre] was done in 2008-2009. This project was part of a course KBT held for new conducters of the User Interviews User method.

The main focus of the evaluation was the employees of KIM-senteret’s experiences with service user involvement. The evaluation also explored the benefits of the work training program within Kim-senteret, and the fact that the work training programs had to be adjusted for participants needing treatment at the same time.

On of the findings in the evaluation was the importance of good contact and communication between the therapist of a participant and the KIM-senteret employee responsible for assessing said participants employability.

The topics for this evaluation was chosen by a workgroup consisting of executive director of KIM-senteret, Kirsti H. Rekdal, and her employees, and Heidi Westerlund in KBT.


Heidi Westerlund
Eva Skånøy
Solveig Fredriksen
Dag Øivind Antonsen


Report in Norwegian:
Bruker Spør Bruker-evaluering – KIM-senteret (2009)