User Interviews User Evaluation – Psychiatric Care in Oslo municipality
In 2006-2008 KBT conducted the largest ever User Interviews User Evaluation of the services for mental health care in Oslo municipality. The evaluation was comissioned by the Health and Welfare Unit in the Municipality of Oslo, represented by Kari Sofie Smaaland. Dagfinn Bjørgen and Heidi Westerlund from KBT conducted the evaluation, and the final report was published in 2010.
The goal with this evaluation was to give grounds to change and strengthen different parts of the mental health care services in the 15 districts of Oslo. This was part of the strategy for “Opptrappingsplanen for psykisk helse” [the National Escalation Plan for Mental Health] in Olso. The project also had a goal of increasing the service user influence within the work of evaluating and improving the services.
Focus group interviews and single interviews were conducted with a total of 237 service users from all the 15 districts. Separate reports were written for each district throughout the project. Dialogue conferences were held in all the district, where a total of 309 service users, mental health care workers and leaders of mental health services took part.
The evaluation is based on the service users experiences. The main report from the evaluation is a closing summary of the different district reports.
The experiences from the mental health care services in Oslo were summarized and categorized in the following subjects:
- Mental Health Care services in the districts
- Individual plans and supervisory groups
- Public housing
- General Practioner (GP)
- Out-of-hours emergency primary health care
- Activity houses/services
The project was evaluated by Geir Hyrve and Karl Johan Johansen from the Tisip-foundation.
Dagfinn Bjørgen
Heidi Westerlund
Karl Johan Johansen
Report in Norwegian:
Bruker Spør Bruker-evaluering – Psykisk helsearbeid i Oslo kommune (2010)