User Interviews User Evaluation – Inderøy municipality

KBT has evaluated the services in Inderøy. The municipality laid good grounds for the survey, and recruited a broad selection of informants for the meetings.
It was revealed a great need for information on the municipality’s services, and of mental health in general. Awareness of rights was difficult to get a hold of. The majority of the service users was unfamiliar with the term “service user involvement”, but still did feel they had a good influence on their own service.

There were certain challenges I the way the collaboration between different agencies function. Many of the users lacked an individual plan, but among those who did, there seemed to be a considerable satisfaction.


Randi Røvik
Heidi Westerlund
Morten Landre


Report in Norwegian:
Bruker Spør Bruker-evaluering – Inderøy kommune (2007)