RECOVERY – Mary Leamy shares her thoughts on the CHIME project

Video interview with dr. Mary Leamy

The last months we have been working on a project about the CHIME Model, in cooperation with one of the persons who developed it in the first place - dr Mary Leamy at King´s College London. This means a great deal for us. It´s a well recognized institution and Mary´s guidance helps us lift the project to a higher level. In the video below, Mary share her thoughts on the project.

What is the CHIME model?

The CHIME Model describes five factors in the recovery process:


In this research project we aim to explore and enhance the value of using the CHIME framework, and recovery-thinking/principles for transforming recovery-orientation of organizations, and improving the mental health and well-being of citizens by identifying what works, for whom and in what circumstances.

Read more about the project

The CHIME project summarized

  1. A literature study conducted by Dr. Mary Leamy and her colleagues at King´s College London
  1. A mixed method, case study design using document review, individual interviews and focus groups in three project sites in Norway: a recovery education centre, two recovery teams and a municipal recovery network. This will be supervised by our British partner.
  1. Communicating the research results to scientists, decision-makers and others.